researching the lives of our ancestors one by one
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Talespin 2

Talespin 2
​​ Ursule Pichet, daughter of Pierre Pichet and Marie-Françoise Demeules of Sainte-Famille, Isle d’Orleans, was born May 24th 1806.
​She married Amable (Jean-Baptiste) Boissonneau the 27th of November 1821, at Saint-Laurent, on the island. The young soldier returning from war must have been attractive to her and her family. She was just fifteen, Amable was twenty-nine.
They must have moved from the island after the birth of their second child and before the birth of the third. In 1825, the census places them in Saint-Croix, Buckinghamshire, Québec. There is a woman over 60 with the family, Ursule’s mother, as she could have been there for the birthing of Jean-Baptiste, their third child.
The 1831 census presents nine people in the house, one of which is documented as insane. They lived on a farm on Rural Route 1 Sainte-Croix on 60 acres of land and harvested 30 bushels of wheat, 12 peas, 10 oats, 4 barley, 100 potatoes and 2 of buckwheat the year previous to the census.
I listed their family of fourteen children: Ursule, François, Jean-Baptiste, Luce, Amable, Magloire, Judith, Anna, Napoleon-Joseph, Philéas, Julie, Philomène Edouard, Joseph Napoléon.
Ursule died in Sainte-Croix the 14th of April, 1873.​​
Ursule (1823-1901) at Saint-Jean, Isle d'Orleans married (1) Théophile Hamel, four children, The 1851 census only indicates Xavier Hamel. (2) Michel St-Hilaire dit Guérin, five children
François (1824-1913) at Saint-Jean, Isle d'Orleans, farmer, married Émélie Demeules eight children
Jean-Baptiste (1825-1900) at Sainte-Croix, Lotbinière, farmer, married (1) Clarisse Lemay in Feb 1852 and she died in Dec of the same year.
(2) Adèlaide Boucher, nine children
Luce (1828-1888) at Sainte-Croix, Lotbinière, married (1) Louis Houde, two children
(2) Joseph Mailloux, eleven children.
Amable (1830-1911) at Sainte-Croix, Lotbinière, married Scholastique Desrosiers, widow, no children
Magloire (1832-1907) at Sainte-Croix, Lotbinière, farmer, married (1) Marie St-Hilaire dit Guèrin, one child
(2) Flavie Lamontagne, two children
M-Judith (1834-1898) at Sainte-Croix, Lotbinière, married Louis St-Hilaire, six children
M-Anna (1836-1920) at Sainte-Croix, Lotbinière, shoemaker, married Cèlestin Onèsime Bergeon, nine children
Napoléon Joseph (1838-1900) at Sainte-Croix, Lotbinière, shoemaker, married (1) Caroline Giguère, one child
(2) Marie Giguère,(younger sister of Caroline) four children
Philéas (1840-1899) at Sainte-Croix, Lotbinière, shoemaker, married Esther Prévost eight children. I have only located four
M-Julie (1842-1843) at Sainte-Croix, Lotbinière, died at one year, eight months
M-Philomène (1844-1885) at Sainte-Croix, Lotbinière, married Ferdinand Larouche, four children
Edouard (1846-1917) à Sainte-Croix, Lotbinière
Joseph-Napoléon (1849-1885) at Sainte-Croix, Lotbinière, farmer, married (1) Aurélie Huot, seven children
(2) Malvina Délisle, no children
* There is mention of a Joseph Boissonnault born to Amable and Ursule in 1822, but I have yet to find proof of this.
(1) B. 1806 Pichet Ursule Quebec, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1968 Ile-d´Orléans Ste-Famille 1806
(2) M. 1821 Boissonneau/Pichet, Quebec, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1968 for Ursule Pichet Ile-d´Orléans St-Laurent 1821
(3) D. 1873 Pichet Ursule Quebec, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1968 Ste-Croix 1873