researching the lives of our ancestors one by one
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Talespin 2

Talespin 2

Magasin Generale Normand, Saint-Antoine de Tilly 1894
​Marie Rognon was born September 27, 1765,(1) and baptized the following day in Saint-Antoine de Tilly, Marie-Charlotte Rognon. Her parents were Louis-Joseph Rognon dit Laroche (1735-) and Josephte (Houde) (1735-1775). Again, more confusion can arise. Marie-Charlotte came from a family of seven children.
​Both Marie-Charlotte and Jean-Charles’ mothers had the same name. Jean-Charles mother’s parents were Jacques Houde (1689-) and Jeanne Demers (1696-1749). Marie-Charlottes mother’s parent were Jean-Baptiste Houde (1687-1749 and Marie-Françoise Demers (1692-1765). Marie-Françoise Demers and Jeanne Demers were sisters, and Jean-Baptiste and Jacques Houde were brothers. It can take a while to sort out, and you see there was much intermarriage in the village.
​Her sister Agathe (1767-1842) married Jean-Marie (1766-1799) an uncle of Jean-Charles. Also Jean-Charles’ mother Josephte (Houde) (1726-1766).
​Marie’s great-grandparents were Louis Rognon dit-Laroche (1683-) and Anne (Grennon) (1686-1758), founding families of Saint-Antoine de Tilly. Upon the death of Marie’s great-grandfather, his wife Anne remarried a man named Jacques Baron, a neighbour of the Lord of Tilly. Anne was the midwife for the area and saved several newborns fated to death. She is referred to as “good woman Rognon”, “the widow Rognon”, “the good woman Baron” in the registers of the parish of Saint-Antoine-de-Tilly.
​The widow Rognon was instrumental when the parish built the new church in 1712.
​Marie was the second wife of Jean-Charles Côté. She married him October 11, 1796,(2) in Saint-Antoine de Tilly. Marie was a spinster of thirty-one and Jean-Charles was a forty-six-year-old widower with his first family all but grown. His youngest son would have been sixteen.
​​He and Marie would have no children and she died, but five years later, at the young age of thirty-six. They record her date of death as December 7, 1802,(3).*According to Claudette Laroche (research)
Research has revealed that the Rognon families adopted their dit name “Laroche” and after 1800, the Rognon name disappeared from the area. These Rognon men gained land through their wives; Baron, Bergeron, Charest, Croteau, Garneau, Houde, and many others. All names that appear in the Côté lineage.
(1) B. 1765 Rognon M-Charlotte St. Antoine de Tilly, Qc, Canada,Vital and Church Records Drouin Coll, 1621-1968
(2) M2. 1796 Cote/Rognon St. Antoine de Tilly, Qc, Canada,Vital and Church Records Drouin Coll, 1621-1968
(3) Not found research of Jean Barabé (nos origines)
Background: Marriage Registration