researching the lives of our ancestors one by one
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Talespin 2

Talespin 2

Baptism of André Bergeron (great-grandfather of Marie-Josephte) February 2, 1642 à St-Saturnin-du-Bois, Charente-Maritime, France
The 6th of October 1726, Jean-Baptiste and Charlotte (Houde) gave birth to their second child. Marie-Josephte was one of twelve children, five siblings and six half siblings. Her father remarried twice after her mother died.
She married Jacques Côté when she was thirty years old and he was forty-eight. They had four children, the youngest our ancestor. Marie-Josephte Bergeron was Jacques’ third and final wife.
Jacques died in 1773 at age sixty-five and Marie-Josephte married Jean-Baptiste Bibeau thirteen years later when she was sixty and he, sixty-two. Jean Baptiste had six children from his first marriage. Jean died seven years after his marriage to Josephte.
She lived on until February 06, 1802 and passed away in Saint-Antoine at age seventy-six.
M-Judith (1757-1757) lived but a few months
M-Josephte (1759-1837) married (1) François Croteau, seven children
(2) Vincent Houde, no children
M-Charlotte (1760-1807) married Louis-Joseph Biron, four children
Jacques-Marie Joseph (1755-) married (1) Marie-Pelagie Dubois, no children
(2) Genevieve Montminy, no children
(3) Marie Rondeau, no children
(4) Angèle Houde, one child
Jean-Charles (1767-) married (1) Pelagie Croteau, five children
(2) Marie Marotte, one child
(1) B. 1726 Bergeron M-Josephte, St-Antoine, Qc, Genealogical Dict. of Cdn. Families (Tanguay Coll), 1608- 1890)
(2) M3 1756 Côté/Bergeron M-Jos.St-Antoine de Tilly, QC, Cda, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Coll), 1621-1968
(3) D. 1802 Bergeron M-Josephte, St-Antoine de Tilly, QC, Canada, not yet located
Background: Marriage Register