researching the lives of our ancestors one by one
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Talespin 2

Talespin 2

Interior of the Eglise St-Antoine-de-Padoue, Saint-Antoine de Tilly, Québec
Genevieve married Pierre on September 23rd, 1803, in the Eglise St-Antoine-de-Padoue, Saint-Antoine de Tilly, Québec. Pierre was twenty-three years old, one year younger than Genevieve. It would have been a busy time, as September was the harvest season for the area. Imagine the abundance of food that would have been available for the guests. The area near the river is in a zone that is more temperate because of its proximity to the river.
The view from the precipice behind the church would have shown a display of fall colours from Neuville on the northern shore of the Saint Lawrence and if it were a sunny day, the aquamarine blue of the water would have glimmered in the last few weeks of the still warm sunlight.
Geneviève and Pierre had seven boys and one girl over their lifetime together. Often the case in these times, because of multiple birthings, unsanitary conditions and poor medical knowledge, Geneviève passed from the world before her husband on the 16th of April 1832, at age fifty-three.
David (1805-1869) married Monique Bergeron, six children
Pierre (1805- unknown) married Rosalie Laroche three children
Louis (1809-after 1855) married Julie Houde, three children
Joseph-George (1811-1892) married Marcelline Chauret, eight children
Antoine (1814- unknown)
Jean-Charles (1816-1896) married DesAnges Chauret, thirteen children (sister of Marcelline)
Ambroise (1818-1862) married Scholiastique Derochers Houde, three children
Marcelline (1822-1870) married Ambroise Bedard eight children
(1) B. 1783 Rondeau Gen St. Antoine de Tilly, Qc, Canada,Vital and Church Records Drouin Coll, 1621-1968
(2) M1. 1803 Cote P/Rondeau St. Antoine de Tilly, Qc, Canada,Vital and Church Records Drouin Coll, 1621-1968
(3) D. 1832 Rondeau Genevieve St. Antoine de Tilly, Qc, Canada,Vital and Church Records Drouin Coll, 1621-1968
Background: Marriage Registration