researching the lives of our ancestors one by one
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Talespin 2

Talespin 2

Born January 28th 1822,​(1) in Sainte Émmélie de Lotbinière, Cléophas was the second youngest boy of Joseph and Rosalie. As with most farmsteads, he would not have been destined to run the farm. That would have been one of the older boys heritage. It is possible he had a smaller farm but his actual occupation was a master mason.
Cleophas married Tharsile Blanchet February 1st 1847 and they would produce nine children over the next nineteen years.
The family lost four of their children at a young age, three died in 1872, those same three within two months of each other indicating there may have been a pandemic at the time. The other died several years later in 1877. There was an outbreak of smallpox around that time and perhaps they succumbed to the disease. Unfortunately I am unable to find a link.
Cléophas died a relatively young man at fifty-nine years of age, April 14, 1881 in Lotbinière​(3) .
​Note: While Cléophas would not have participated in the building of the flour mill it sets a fine example of the work of masons of the area. He would have learned from them and as a "master mason" perfected his trade.
​(1) B. 1822 Auger Cléophas, Qc, Cda, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Coll.), 1621-1968 Lotbinière 1822 Image 2
​(2) M. 1847 Auger C./Blancet Qc, Cda, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Coll.), 1621-1968 Lotbinière 1847 Image 6 ​
(3) D. 1881 Auger Cléophas, Qc, Cda, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Coll.), 1621-1968 Ste-Emmélie 1881 Image 5
Background: Birth Register