researching the lives of our ancestors one by one
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Talespin 2

Talespin 2

Sainte Croix, Champagne, France
Anne Colin, daughter of Nicholas Colin and Isabelle Calende, was born in Saint-Croix de Sens, Champagne, France in 1644(1). They sent her to Nouvelle France sometime between 1663 and her marriage in 1669 as one of the "Filles du Roi".(2)
Sainte-Famille, Isle d'Orleans was where the marriage took place.
The King's Daughters
“Filles du Roi”, or King's Daughters, were some 770 women who arrived in the colony of New France (Canada) between 1663 and 1673, under the financial sponsorship of King Louis XIV of France. Most were single French women, and many were orphans. They were part of the King's program to colonise the new settlement in Canada. The King paid for their transportation. They gave some a royal gift of a dowry of 50 pounds for their marriage to one of the many unmarried male colonists in Canada. They reflected these gifts in some of the marriage contracts entered into by the chosen women and girls at the time of their first marriages. Some 737 of these women married and the resultant population explosion gave rise to the success of the colony. Most of the millions of people of French Canadian descent today, both in Quebec and the rest of Canada and the USA (and beyond), are descendants of one or more of these courageous women of the 17th century.
She and Vincent had twelve children from their union and of them, only three were girls. They remained on the family farm in Saint-Jean until their death.
Ann died d the 28th of July 1719(4), on the family farm in Saint-Jean, Isle d'Orleans at 75 years of age just four years after Vincent. They buried both in Saint-Jean, Isle d'Orleans(5).
Elizabeth, also know as Isabel was born July 19, 1670, married Rene Favreau (or Saureau) dit Deslauriers January 15, 1694, in Saint-Jean, Isle d'Orlean, Nouvelle France. René was a soldier in the company of Monsieur des Bergères.
The family settled at Beaumont, County of Bellechasse. They produced five girls from their union.
Isabel died in February 10, 1703.
​Jeanne-Marie born February 1, 1672, married Jean-Baptiste Gelinas dit Bellemare in November of 1700. Their family settled in Yamachiche, nine children She died in 1757.
Philippe born on November 8, 1673, and burned to death on August 3, 1678.
Anne born on March 12, 1676, and burned to death on August 3, 1678.
René born June 12, 1678, and burned to death on August 3, 1678.
Philippe, Anne and René all died the same day in a fire, presumably at the family home. Such tragedies were more common in times where families heated their homes with wood-burning fireplaces.
Jean my husband’s ancestor born June 24, 1679, in Saint-Famille I.O. married Marguerite Choret in 1707. They first settled in Yamachiche, then at Saint-Jean on Ile de Orleans, at a later date. Jean most likely died in 1731.
​Jacques born in 1681, was said to have died in the cradle, but there is evidence to contradict that. In his father's will his care was left to Jean, which indicates that he was handicapped in some way and unable to care for himself. In 1707 he was twenty-six years of age.
Louis born September 9, 1683, died at the age of 17 months.
Nicolas born November 2, 1685, married Jeanne Poisson in 1709. They settled at Saint-Jean. Nicolas died in 1737. They had ten children
Unnamed son, born and died on the same day in 1688.
Jean-Pierre born October 24, 1689. He was an epileptic suffering from grande-mal seizures. He died in 1724. Apparently Jean-Pierre caused his family much trouble due to his condition and was considered an "idiot it tombait du haut mal". Vincent dit Xaintonge born April 14, 1692, died a short time after birth.
(1) Naissance d'une population - Les Français établis au Canada au XVIIe siècle (Presse de l'Université de Montréal, 1987)
(2) Les Filles du Roy au XVIIe siècle (Yves Landry, Leméac, 1992)
(3) M. 1669 Quebec, Boissonneau/Colin Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1968 Ile-d´Orléans Ste-Famille 1666-1727 Image 156
(4) D. 1719 Quebec, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1968 for Anne Colin Ile-d´Orléans St-Jean 1715-1719 Image 16
(5)Bur. 1715 Boisonneau dit Saint-Onge Vincent, Canada, Find A Grave Index, 1600-Current, Saint-Jean Cemetery, PlaceSaint-Jean, Capitale-Nationale Region, Quebec, Canada
Also mentioned: Dictionnaire généalogique des familles du Québec (René Jetté, Presses de l'Université de Montréal, 1983) Vol 1 Sect. 1 : A - Hel Image Image 108 (husband and family) and 180 (as wife of Vincent).