researching the lives of our ancestors one by one
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St-Pierre Isle d'Orleans Quebec
​Marguerite Choret, daughter of Jean Choret et Claire Baucher-Dit Morency, was born January 31,1689 (1), in Saint Laurent, Isle d’Orlean.​
She married Jean November 16, 1707 (2), in Saint Jean, on the island. Jean was ten years her senior when he married her.​
​ The couple had thirteen children during their relatively short time together. The children were all born on the island in Saint Jean or one of the neighbouring parishes.
​After the death of Jean in 1731, Marguerite married Pierre Lepage from the same parish.​
​Marguerite died in 1753 (3), at fifty-four in the parish of Saint Jean.
Jean-Baptiste born in 1708 at Ste. Pierre, farmer maried Marie-Josephte Desmeules, ten children
Nicolas (1710-1759) born at Saint-Jean, farmer, died at the Hôpital Generale de Québec. Nicolas was a farmer and soldier. He was mortally wounded in the "Bataille des Plaines d'Abraham, or Première bataille de Québec " just one month after it started. He had two marriages, (1) Anne-Françoise​ Tanguay, eleven children (2) Geneviève Plante, four children. He pre-deceased her.
Joseph-Marie (1712-1715)
Jean-Francois (1714-1805) born at Saint-Jean, farmer
Pierre (1716-1749) born at Saint-Jean, married Geneviève Gontier (1724 -1758) 1740 in Beaumont, Québec, five children
Marguerite (1718- 1777) born at Saint-Jean, married Jean-François Tanguay (1709-1759) in 1736 Saint Jean, IO, eleven children
Marie-Josette (1720-1776) born at Saint-Jean,married Jean-Baptiste LeBlanc (1707 - 1780) in 1737 Saint Jean, IO, eleven children
Joseph (1722-1786) born at Saint-Jean, farmer, married Marguerite Blais, fourteen children
Joseph-Marie (1723-1788) born at Saint-Jean, farmer, married Marie-Josephte Asselin, thirteen children
Isabelle Elizabeth (1725-1792) at Ste. Famille and baptized at Ste. Jean married Pierre-Noël Plante, ten children
Pierre-Noel born (1727- ) at Ste. Famille.
Marie-Louise (1729-1729) at Ste. Famille and baptized at Ste. Jean. Marie-Louise died five days after her birth
Marie-Madeleine (1730-1748) at Ste. Famille and baptized at St. Jean.
*Note: It should be noted that often in French families the childs name is often preceded by Joseph (boys) and Marie (girls). Such is the case with the Boissonneault.
The court records for the care of the children was made by Jean. This might indicate he was sick for awhile before dying. Perhaps Marguerite was not that strong either. She died when the youngest was only thirteen years of age.
(1) B.1689 Choret Marguerite, Quebec, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1968 Choret Ile-d´Orléans St-Pierre 1679-1708
(2) M. 1707 Boissonneau/Choret, Quebec, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1968 Ile-d´Orléans Ste-Famille 1666-1727
(3) D. 1753 Choret Marguerite, Quebec, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1968 Ile-d´Orléans St-Jean 1740-1746 Image 19