researching the lives of our ancestors one by one
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Talespin 2

Talespin 2

Daughter of Firmin Blanchet and M-Adeliäde (Hamel) Tharsile was born the 20th of February 1824,(1) in Lotbinière, Québec. Like many of the original colonists to settle here Tarsile's father was originally from Saint-Rock-des-Aulnaies, unlike the Auger's who had been here for generations.
She was from a small family of only three girls. The baptism took place in the parish of Saint-Louis approximately ten kilometres from the village of Saint-Edouard and twenty from Sainte Émmélie.
Tarsile married Cléophas in the parish of Saint-Louis, February 1st 1847(2). In July of the next year they gave birth to Melilisse with eight more to follow. The family appears to be unfortunate as four of the children died at a young age and three between the months of August and November in the year of 1877.
Tarsile lost her husband in 1881 but lived on until June 4th, 1902(3). She died at the age of seventy-eight in Saint-Édouard, Lotbinière. Tarsile lived with her son Joseph until shortly before she died at which point she went to live with her daughter Éveline and her husband Leandre Bélanger.
Of their children Joseph would be the only one in this branch to carry on the Auger line.
Merilisse (1848-1914) Agapit Auger, 7 children (Saint-Hyacinthe, Québec)
Louis-Geoffroy (1851-1872) died at age twenty-one
Elisa (1853-1922) Olivier Belanger, eight children
Emma (1855-1872) born in Lotbiniere, died at age sixteen
Joseph (1857-1929) Elise Lemay, 11 children
​Éveline (1860-1907) Leandre Belanger, 11 children
Delphis (1862-1877) born in Lotbiniere, died at age fifteen
Marie-Jeanne (1866-1937) Omer Lemay, eight children
Stephanie (1869-1872) born and died at age two
(1) B. 1824 Blanchette T. Qc, Cda, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Coll.), 1621-1968 Lotbinière 1824 Image 4
(2) M. 1847 Auger/Blancet Qc, Cda, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Coll.), 1621-1968 Lotbinière 1847 Image 6
(3) D. 1902 Blanchet T Qc, Cda, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Coll.), 1621-1968 St-Édouard Lotbinière Image 9
​Background: Birth Register