researching the lives of our ancestors one by one
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Talespin 2

Talespin 2

​Oil painting by André Bieler of Isle d'Orleans
​Marie-Madeleine was born in Saint-Pierre the 28th of December 1679 January 5, 1680,(1) to parents Thomas and Andreé (Remondiere). Her mother Andreé was a Fille du Roy. Magdelaine eighth in a family, possibly as large as seventeen. I have found fourteen so far. Her father landed in Château Richer about 1637 and married Andrée in 1666. He was twenty-nine at the time and his young bride was but fifteen. They moved to Ile d’Orleans after the birth of their first child in 1668 and settled in Saint-Pierre.
​Jacques and Marie-Madeleine married in Saint-Pierre, Isle d’Orleans on February 8, 1706,(2). Unlike her mother, Magdeleine was much older than her husband. Magdeleine was twenty-seven when they married and Jacques, twenty. The couple left the island and settled in Saint-Nicolas, Lévis*, they had three sons and one daughter.
​​Marie-Madeleine died September 22, 1712,(3) at age thirty-three in Saint-Nicolas Quebec, leaving behind her husband of twenty-six and four small children.
*Note: Saint-Nicolas was part of Lotbinière—Chutes-de-la-Chaudiere​ in 1712.
Fabien (1706-1773) m. (1) Marie-Anne Marier, seven children
(2) Agnes Guerin, four children
(3) Marie-Angelique Cadieux
Jacques (1708-1773) m. (1) Marie-Madeleine Blouard, five children
(2) Marie-Françoise Daigle, one child
(3) Marie-Josephe Bergeron, four children.
​*Jacques is our paternal Côté line as well through his third wife Josephe Bergeron.
Louise (1710-1749) married Joseph Huot, five children
Jean-Baptiste (1711-1749) married (1) Marie-Angelique Dubois, one child
(2) Genevieve Croteau, no children
(1) B. 1680 Rondeau St-Pierre, Ile d'Orleans QC, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Coll), 1621-1968
(2) M1. 1673 Cote/Rondeau St-Pierre, Ile d'Orleans QC, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1968
(3) D. 1722 Rondeau Mad., St-Antoine de Tilly, Québec, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1968
Background: Birth Register