researching the lives of our ancestors one by one
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Talespin 2

Talespin 2

View of the river fron St-Antoine-de-Tilly
​Louis’s first wife, Josephte Houde, was born February 27 1726, to Jacques Houde (dit-Desruisseaux), and Jeanne (Demers) in St-Antoine-de-Tilly, Lotbinière, Québec. Josephte had two sisters and one brother.
​Louis would have been seen as “a good catch” for any family. As Captain of the Militia he would have been looked up to in the community and would have been able to offer his bride a good home with privileges within the community. A man in his position would have had his choice among single women in his parish. This might indicate that Joesphte was also from a desirable family.
​Marie-Josephte married Louis in St-Antoine-de-Tilly, November 22 1746. She and Louis would have a family of nine children before her death at forty October 20, 1766. It was difficult to be certain of her death register. I have gleaned the Drouin Collection and there are several that could match. The copies are in poor condition and hard to read, the dates all but legible. There was one that stayed in my thoughts, because it carries the signature of Louis Côté. As mentioned in his biography, as a militia captain, he would have been able to read and write. This has since been confirmed by not only Quebec, Genealogical Dictionary of Canadian Families (Tanguay Collection), 1608-1890 but also PRDH (Programme de recherche en démographie historique), which confirms my findings from the Drouin records.
​​Their second child, Jean-Charles, was in our family line.​
Louis Jacques (1748-1749) dies as an infant
Jean-Charles (1750-1813) married (1) Marie Rognon-Laroche, no children
(2) Marie-Françoise Bergeron, five children
Marie-Josephte (1752-1831) (1) Eustache Houde, five children. He had one from a previous marriage
(2) Jean-Charles Desruisseaux, two children
François (1754-) married Marie-Veronique Genest, five children
Louis (1757-1838) married Marie-Josephe Houde, three children. Interesting that this son Louis married a girl by the same name as his father.
Marie-Catherine (1739-) No further information
Marie-Monique (1761-1815) married Jean-Baptiste Girard, two children
Jean-Marie (1766-1799) married Agathe Rognon, six children
Marie-Thérese (1767-1749) married Pierre Houde, two children
(1) B. 1726 Houde Marie-Josephte St.Antoine de Tilly, Qc, Canada, Vital and Church Records Drouin Collection 1621-1968
(2) M1. 1746 Cote/Houde St. Antoine de Tilly, Qc, Canada,Vital and Church Records Drouin Coll, 1621-1968
(3) D. 1766 St. Antoine de Tilly, Quebec Genealogical Dictionary of CanadianFamilies Tanguay Collection
Background: Marriage Registration