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Isle d'Orleans Village of Saint-Jean 





  ​​I have prepared this site for anyone interested in our BOISSONNEAULT/CÔTÉ and the CÔTÉ/AUGER heritage. These are my husband's ancestors. As information becomes available to me, I will add to it and correct errors and omissions as I find them.
           ​​I have tried to be as careful as possible, but I am sure some items contain errors, and I appreciate and am open to any positive input. If you have documented (vetted) information you want to share, don't hesitate to contact me. I will be happy to add it to the site and credit you with your contribution if it is not already in my database. I will only post information about deceased people, and it remains at my discretion if I choose not to post it. 

​           ​​Over the years, I have had much help from others when researching, and this is my way to pay it forward. History is amazing.

           There is a menu, a sub-menu, and hot links to direct you to other parts of the website. The hot links are in colour and underlined, as well as bold. Most are blue but are in different colours, so any word that is bold and coloured will direct you to a new page or website by opening up a new separate page. This makes it easy to return to where you left off. If it is not a hotlink or does not open, it is because I  have not finished my research for that area of the website. As soon as it is available, I will publish it. Those unavailable will be underlined and bold but in black font. 

           ​​I have set it up so that it is in chronological order. Each of the patriarchs links to their spouses and children. The child in my line links to his/her wife and so on. There are a few other links to exciting sites I have found. While I have only done my line, I have left some valuable information on siblings and spouses.

           ​​Peruse the website, enjoy and hopefully, take home some new information about your heritage.

           ​​When researching one's family, we find conflicting information, and I have chosen that which I believe to be the closest to what might be the reality. In most cases, I will refer to any other theories I have come across.

NOTE: This project will take me years and is ongoing. I am presently sorting and cleaning up my database to transfer to the website. The English text is prominent but can also be viewed in French by choosing the French flag at the top left-hand corner of the site, a feature offered by Wix. 

You can reach me through the contact page. I welcome any information anyone would like to share.

Isle d'Orleans Village of Saint-Jean in the distance cropped.jpg

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