researching the lives of our ancestors one by one
The material, both written and photographic on these pages is the copyright of Stephanie Bell-Boissonneault unless stated. Material on this site may be used for
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Talespin 2

Talespin 2

François was the eldest son of Amable and Ursule (Pichet). Born in Saint-Jean, Isle d’Orlean, July 22, 1822, he would follow in his father’s footsteps and farm the land. There is some question as to his name. Some say he was François-Xavier others, just François. His baptismal register does not mention Xavier, however Xavier is mentioned on a notorial paper of his marriage to Émilie.
He was twenty-eight when he married Émilie Demeules, November 11, 1850, at Saint-Jean, Isle d’Orleans. Émilie was the daughter of Pierre and Thècle (Marquis dit-Canac). One wonders why he would marry a girl from Isle d’Orleans when he moved from there as a young child. Did he make trips back to the island to visit family and friends over the period of his life? Perhaps he met her while visiting grandparents, or other family. It is even possible he found work on the island while not at school, or returned to help Amable’s aging parents at one point. All speculation, of course. Whatever the reason, Émilie was the girl he chose. He also must have found a great love for the Island because when he died his choice was to be buried there.
François and Émilie's union produced nine children: Adélaïde, Amable, Julie, Magloire, Marie-Vitaline, François, Napoléon and Joséphine..
François died February 12, 1913. The family interred him the following day, in the cemetery at Saint-Jean, I.O. The farm on the island ceased to be part of the Boissonneault family in the 1900s. See the map of the farms and inhabitants through this link. Antoine Pépin dit Lachance and Marie Teste Website The map can be found if you scroll down several pages.It is a well documented and interesting website for anyone who has ancestors on Ile d'Orlean.

Saint-Jean Ile d'Orléans, Quebec
(1) B. 1822 Boissonneau François Quebec, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1968 Ile-d´Orléans St-Jean 1824
(2) M. 1892 Boissonneau/Demeule, Quebec, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1968 Ile-d´Orléans St-Jean 1850
(3) D. 1913 Boissonneau François Quebec, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1968 Ile-d´Orléans St-Jean 1913