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View of the river, Lotbinière.jpeg

View of the river, Lotbinière


Françoise Maillot was born to parents Pierre René and Francoise-Marguerite (Gauron). Her family comprised six girls and one boy, of which she was the second oldest. Both her older sister Renée and younger sister, Marie-Anne, were born in Sainte-Anne-de-la-Pérade, suggesting she was as well. However, I could not find her record there or in the surrounding areas.

Two of her sisters married two of François Auger’s brothers. Elizabeth married Joseph Auge in 1734 and Josephe married Antoine Auger in 1742. Antoine died one year later in 1743.

Françoise Maillot and François Auger married in Lotbinière the 27th February 1726. She was twenty-one at the time and he was twenty-seven. During their marriage of over twenty years, the couple had eleven children.

One of their sons, François, also married Françoise Maillot, daughter of Louis Maillot and Madeleine Houy. Louis was the uncle of Françoise (François’ mother). We can have some confusion who is who when researching the family.

It also appears that records from this period and area are missing or the families moved around somewhat as information is scarce.

Françoise died sometime between the birth of her last child Marguerite in February 1750 and the death of her husband François in October 1751, leaving behind several children not yet able to care for themselves. Older siblings, or possibly aunts and uncles, have cared for them. It is quite possible Françoise died because of childbirth, but I have yet to find a death record.​


​Genevieve (1728-1816 ) married Joseph-Louis Lemay, 9 children                           

Louis-Michel (1729-1780) married Marie-RoseAdam, 5 children                            

Joseph (1729-Unknown) married Marie-Josephte Houy, 10 children                       

M-Françoise (1731-1753) married Jean-Baptiste Roiroux, 2 children                       

François (1733-1801) (1) Francoise Maillot, 4 children                                          
(2) Chagnon Judith died in Repentigny     

Antoine-Toussaint 1739-1741) born in St-Pierre-les-Becquets Québec died an infant

Michel  (1740- Unknown)  married Marie-Anne Tabault, 1 child                           

M-Judith  (1742-1777) married (1) Jean-Baptiste Lemay, 4 children                         
                               (2) Grenier Joseph, 1 child and 6 step-children

Antoine (1744-1817) married Beaudet Marguerite 10 children                                

Timothée (1748-Unknown) Timothée died as an infant                                        

Marguerite (1750-Unknown) born in St-Charles, Grondines, Québec                     



(1) M. 1726 Qc, Gen. Dict. Cdn. Fam (Tanguay Collection), 1608-1890 for F. Augé Vol. 2 Sect. 1 : Abe-Ble Image 103 

Background: Records for Sainte Anne de la Perade 1679-1722

Isle d'Orleans Village of Saint-Jean in the distance cropped.jpg

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