researching the lives of our ancestors one by one
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Talespin 2

Talespin 2

Vvillage Scene
​FÉDÉRA HAMEL (1896-1918)
​Fédéra Hamel, eldest daughter of (François) Xavier and Petronille (Bergeron) was born October 13th 1895, on a farm in St. Flavien. Her Parents married in St. Flavien the year previous to her birth. Her parents married when her father was forty-six and her mother thirty-five, so the family remained small. Fédéra had only two younger sisters.
She married Pierre Côté January 12, 1914, in St. Flavien. Fédéra was just eighteen. Her life was brief, and she had four children over the next four years.
Fédéra died in 1919, in St. Flavien on the fourth of January. She was just twenty-eight years old.
Girard, Joseph,Wilfred (1914-1969) married Thérese Huôt (1911-2002)
André, Joseph, Adrien (1915-) married Yvette Paradis (1917-
Émile, Philemond (1916-1994) married August 1946 (1) Collette Huôt (1919-1982)
married April 1966​ (2) Anita Bergeron (1914-1993)
Cécile, Marie, Anna, Eva (1918-)
(1) B. 1891 Hamel Fédéra, St. Flavien, Quebec, Canada, Vital and Church Records Drouin Coll, 1621-1968 ​
(2) M1. 1914 Cote/Hamel, St. Flavien, Quebec, Canada, Vital and Church Records Drouin Coll, 1621-1968 ​
(3) D. 1919 Hamel Federa, St. Flavien, Quebec, Canada, Vital and Church Records Drouin Coll, 1621-1968
Background: Marriage Register