researching the lives of our ancestors one by one
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Talespin 2

Talespin 2

Winter Storm New France
Jacques Côté, born 8 Aug 1708, in Saint-Nicolas, Lévis, Québec, was the son of Jacques Côté and his first wife, Marie-Madeleine Rondeau. Jacques had three full siblings Fabien, Louise, and Jean-Baptiste and seven half siblings, Joseph, Louis Côté, Geneviève-Louise, Michel Augustin, Marie-Charlotte, Pierre and Marie-Josephte.
On September 8, 1731, Jacques married Marie-Madeleine Blouard in Saint-Antoine-de-Tilly, Canada. Together, they had nine children; M-Madeleine, Jacques, M-Charlotte, Jean-Baptiste-Augustin, Marie-Genevieve, unnamed twin to M-Catherine, Antoine and François de Sales.
Madeleine Blouard died in 1747 and on April 24th of the same year he married, Marie-Françoise Daigle also in St-Antoine-de-Tilly, Lotbinière, Québec. He and Marie-Françoise had five children; Alexis, Jean-Marie, M-Françoise, Charles, and an unnamed child prior to her death.
His third and final wife was Marie-Josephte Bergeron. They married March 1 1756,(4) in Saint-Antoine-de-Tilly, and had five children; Marie-Judith, Jacques-Marie, Josephte, Marie-Charlotte and our continued link Jean-Charles.
Jacques died the 13th of December in 1773,(5) in St-Antoine-de-Tilly, Québec, Canada having left a legacy of nineteen children of which less than half reached adulthood.
(1) B. 1708 Côté Jacques, Saint Nicolas, Québec, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Coll), 1621-1968
(2) M1. 1731 Côté/Blouard, St-Antoine de Tilly, QC, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Coll), 1621-1968
(3) M2 1747 Côté/Daigle, St-Antoine de Tilly, QC, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Coll), 1621-1968
(4) M3 1756 Côté/Bergeron M-Jos.St-Antoine de Tilly, QC, Cda, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Coll), 1621-1968
(5) D. 1773 Côté Jacques St-Antoine de Tilly, QC, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Coll), 1621-1968
Background: Birth Register