researching the lives of our ancestors one by one
The material, both written and photographic on these pages is the copyright of Stephanie Bell-Boissonneault unless stated. Material on this site may be used for
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Talespin 2

Talespin 2

View of the Saint Lawrence River from Isle d'Orleans near the family homestead
Going through the records, I found what I believe to be the birth of Emilie Demeule. There is an illegible entry for Pierre Demeule about the time when Émilie was born. Her father was Pierre and her mother Marie Thécle (Marquis dit-Canac) same as those showed for this birth. I entered it here as a quote because it is the only birth that suits her. Perhaps more investigations will discredit or confirm my findings. According to my findings, she was born September 6, 1831(1), in Saint-Jean, Île d’Orleans.
She descended from Joseph Demeules and Catherine Dubeau, the same line as her 3x great aunt M-Josephte Demeules, wife of Jean-Baptiste Boissonneau
She married François-Xavier Boissonneault November 12, 1850(2), in Saint-Jean I.O. François was twenty-eight when he married Émilie and six years her elder.
The couple moved to Sainte-Croix in the county of Lotbinière after their marriage to settle and raise their family of nine children. All but one grew to adulthood.
Émilie died in St-Flavien, Québec November 22, 1890(3).
According to the death record, she was fifty-nine years old, which would show she was born in 1831.
After her death, François returned to his birthplace to spend his remaining days.
(1) B. 1831 Demeule Emilie Quebec, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1968 Ile-d´Orléans St-Jean 1831Image 11
(2) M. 1892 Boissonneau/Demeule, Quebec, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1968 Ile-d´Orléans St-Jean 1850
(3) D. 1890 Demeule Emilie Quebec, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1968 St-Flavien 1890