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WILLIAM BELL (1777-1839

            Over the past year I have learned much more about William Bell's wife Flora (Little). According to the
Irish census of 1821 for Derryvullan, County of Fermanagh, Ireland. I believe this family of Bell's to be
my ancestors. That census began to be recorded at the end of May 1821. Flora was born in 1781.(1)
She and William had but one child, Hugh, who at the time of the census was recorded as being 11
years old. As there are no other children in the family I must assumed that either she and William
married later in life or she had difficulty bearing children.
She would have been at least twenty-nine when Hugh was born which in those days was late for
a first child. I have since discovered new information which show Hugh had possibly two brothers and
one sister. None are present in the 1821 census so I presume they died. I know names and birth dates
and the names of their parents and nothing more.
During the 1820's times in Ireland were difficult not only for the Catholics but the Protestants as
well. In the North Eastern part of the country flax growers and weavers suffered due to the
mechanicalization of the trade. Reforms in worker unions caused strikes, resulting in higher crime


            A List of Persons to whom Premiums for sowing Flax-seed in the year 1796 have been adjudged by the Trustees of the Linen Manufacture.

Entitlement: To the Person who should sow between the 12th Day of March and the 1st Day of June 1796, with a sufficient Quantity of good sound Flax-seed, any Quantity of Land, well prepared and fit for the purpose, not less than

1 Acre – 4 Spinning Wheels

3 Roods – 3 Ditto

1 Rood – 1 Ditto 

And to the Person who should sow in like Manner any Quantity of like Land, not less than 5 Acres, a loom, or Wheels, Reels, or Hatchells to the Value of 50 Shillings, and for every 5 Acres over and above the first five a like Premium.

Derryvulland    Bell    John        1

Derryvulland    Bell    Robert    1

Derryvulland    Bell    William 

Weavers Stone Cottage 18th century with

Irish Weavers Hut



       I stumbled upon a document that possibly proves William's military enlistment.. The name Bell William appears in the Canada, British Regimental Registers of Service, 1756-1900 42nd Foot Soldiers, 1st Battalion 1814-1816. The William in this document is roughly the same age as our William, from Derryvullan and listed as a volunteer foot soldier.. There appears to be a plethora of information on the document but it is very difficult to read.(6)

42nd Regiment of Foot. (2024, January 24). In Wikipedia. 



       William and his family appear in “The City of Toronto and the Home District commercial directory and register with almanack and calendar for 1837.” 

He appears in the Toronto New Survey along with his son as follows:

Name        Con        Lot

Bell Wm       2           11

Bell Hugh    1            12

        This also proves the family was here before 1837, as the lots they own were cleared and inhabited.

        February 15, 1837 William Bell applied for a Land Petition for the West half of Lot 11, Concession 2 WHS, Toronto Township, County of Peel. A Clergy Reserve leased to John Carter in 1821, with 45 cleared acres and rents paid by the petitioner. 

William’s affidavit shows he bought the lot from John Bell, who purchased it from Joseph Carter, the original occupant. William had cleared 45 acres, built a house, barn, and other buildings on the lot. 

        The Land Petition application includes a signed document by John Bell of Toronto, indicating the sale of this lot to William Bell for 10 pounds. Unfortunately, the document doesn’t show a date for this transaction, other than the date John Bell signed the document (Feb. 15, 1837). Who was John Bell from the City of Toronto? Was he related to William? Could he have been the same John from Derryvullan?


        As seen in the transcribed document below, William cleared the land and constructed buildings and makes his intent for ownership of the property.

Land Petition c-1632, Vol B20, Pet. 128 for William Bell

Page 1

Recd. 18th Feby 1837


To His Excellency Sir Francis Bond Head Knight Commander of the Royal Hanoverian Guelphic Order and the Pruseran Military Order of uent(sic) Lieutenant Governor of Upper Canada 

The Petition of William Bell of the Township of Toronto, Yeoman Humbly showeth that Your Petitioner purchased from John Bell his Interest in the West half of Lot 11 in 2nd Con West of Hurontario in the township of Toronto a clergy reserve the said John Bell having purchased from Joseph Carter, the original occupant of the Lot.

The assignment from Joseph Carter was left in the office of the Secretary to the Clergy Corporation where it well now be found.

Your Petitioner has cleared about 40 acres on the Lot and built a House, Barn & other offices thereon. He is now desirous of purchasing from the Crown and humbly prays Your Excellency that the said half Lot may be sold him at a valuation

And Your Petitioner will ever pray. 

For William Bell

James Henderson 

City of Toronto

15th Feby 1837


Page 2


Clergy Corporation Office

Toronto 24th February 1837

A lease of Lot No. 11 in the 2nd Con: WCRoad in Toronto, was Ordered to Joseph Carter in 1821 – but the Description did not issue, the rents have been seemly (sic) paid up by the Petitioner.

Signed J Barnes (sic)


B20 of No. 128

Petition of William Bell

Applying to purchase The West Half of Lot No. 11 in the 2nd Con:

West of Hurontario Street in the Township of Toronto a Clergy Reserve

Signed Geo Illegitable

18th Feby 1837

Informed (sic ) the Scy 

of the Clergy Corporation

(rest is hard to read due to hand writing)


Toronto, 8th March 1837

W1/2 Lot 11 in 2 Conc WHS Toronto, a Clergy Reserve was inspected and valued in 1836 by H. Black DS at 3 of G per Acre and subsequently in the office by S.S. Wilnook at 25 per acre, the petitioner is returned as the occupant with 45 acres cleared, reward (sic) state the lot as being only 2 ½ Miles from Churchville village.

N.P. Salway

In Council 16th March 1837

Recommended at 27/6 per acre

N.P. Sullivan

Order moved to Commissioner

Of Crown Land 31st March 1837


Page 3


Know all men by these Presents that I John Bell of the City of Toronto in the Home District and Province of Upper Canada, Labourer for and in consideration of the sum of Ten pounds of lawful money of Upper Canada to me in hand paid by William Bell of the Township of Toronto in the District and Province aforesaid Yeoman the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge have bargain and sold assigned released and for ever quit claimed unto the said William Bell all my Estate right title interest claim and demand whatsoever of mine to grant (sic) of that certain parcel of Land and premise situated and being in the Township of Toronto Being the West half of Lot Number Eleven in the Second Concession West of Hurontario Street in the said Township a Clergy Reserve together with all the appurtenances and hereditaments here to(sic) belonging or many(sic) wise(sic) appertaining. To have and hold the same unto the said William Bell his heirs and assigns forever.

In witness whereof I have (word sic) set my hand and seal this Fifteenth day of February in the year of our Lord on Thousand and eight hundred and thirty seven

Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of Signed John Bell with his mark 

James Henderson


*Above thanks to the document transcription by CJ Letton

* From time to time I make updates to the people I have researched. New information, corrections etc. Anyone who has information to share please contact me and I would be glad to post it. Others please check back for updates from time to time.

       According to my research the family arrived in Canada sometime after the 1821 Irish census and the next one in 1831. I found another document that may or may not be the family (or part of). (7)  If this is the William Bell family they would have come through the port in New York.

         Hugh Bell’s lot (inherited from his father William), was the west half of Concession 2, Lot 11, Toronto Township (North of Dundas Street), Peel County. Hugh’s father William  (c. 1777 – 1839) occupied this lot prior to 1837 and had applied for the patent, but the patent wasn’t granted until 1851. About 1865 Hugh Bell sold his lot to Gooderham of Gooderham & Worts who were well known in the surrounding area (Toronto, York, Peel) operating a number of mills and other businesses. Gooderham & Worts took over an existing mill in Meadowvale Village, which was right in town. The McGill Digital County Atlas site this link should take you to the Gooderham property that belonged to Hugh Bell in the 1850s & first part of the 1860s.


          William Bell died in March 19,1839 according to affidavit from Flora Bell ("lawfully married to the late William Bell") made on the Dec 7, 1848. This document was part of the filing Hugh Bell made in the Second Heir and Divisee Court. It also said that Hugh Bell was the Eldest son and of William Bell. The documents include start in Nov 24, 1848 stating a notice of claim was posted in the office of the Clerk of Peace, Home District for 30 days. They received William's will on July 16, 1849.

          Wiliam Bell's death date matches that of William Bell buried in St. Peter's Cemetery, Erindale.

          William Bell died Mar 19 1839 aged 62 yrs. [Burial Register - died Mar 20, 1839). Calculated date of birth 1777. As there are others in the cemetery with dates that match other family members I believe we have found William.



(1) B. "Ireland Census, 1821," database with images, FamilySearch( : 24 February 2016), William Bell, 1821; from "Ireland Census 1821-1851," database and images, findmypast ( : 2014); citing Derryvullan, Fermanagh, Ireland, household 10632.

(2) Fermanagh Church Records birth, marriage and death *It is possible Thomas is not one of the children as his parents are listed as William and Florence Bell. Was Flora really Florence?

(3) Our Heritage - Sue Barbeau's Ancestry Project

(4) "Ireland Landed Estate Court Files, 1850-1885," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 18 May 2016), Hugh Bell, 1874; citing Fermanagh, Ireland, volume date May 1874, volume 114, document 021, National Archives, Dublin.

(5) "Ireland Landed Estate Court Files, 1850-1885," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 18 May 2016), William Bell, 1866; citing Fermanagh, Ireland, volume date Apr-Jun 1866, volume 081, document 048, National Archives, Dublin.

(6) Canada, British Regimental Registers of Service, 1756-1900 - The National Archives; Kew, Surrey, England; Class Number: WO 25; Class Title: 42 Foot 1 Battn; Piece Number: 383; Piece Title: 42 Foot 1 Battn 

(7)  U.S. and Canada, Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s  Place: Ontario, Canada; Year: 1811-1889; Page Number: 19 

(8) D. 1839 with burial in St. Peter's Cemetery, Erindale, Ontario.


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