recherchant la vie de nos ancêtres un par un
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Talespin 2

Talespin 2

Rosalie Roireau dit Laliberté was born to parents Joseph Laliberté and Marguerite Lemay. Her baptismal record names her Marie Archange Roirou dit Laliberté. She was a from a large family of eleven children, eight girls and three boys. Her eldest sister married a cousin of Joseph and her sister Archange married Louis Auger an older brother of Joseph.
She and Joseph married in 1807 on the ​13th January in Lotbinière. Joseph was twenty-eight and she was twenty-four at the time. Their marriage produced thirteen children of which all but two reached adulthood. Both Antoine and Pétronille died as infants.
I do not know if Joseph and Rosalie lived in a house such as this one in the picture, but many did. It would not have been a large space to raise so many children.
Rosalie outlived Joseph by thirty-four years. She died in Sainte Émmélie, Lotbinière June 5th 1864 at eighty-one years of age.
​Marguerite (1808-1860) Stanislas Bernard, 1 child
Julie (1810-1835) Dominique Bernard, no children
Jean-Baptiste (1811-1875) (1) Esther Lafleur, 4 children
(2) Berthilde Bergeron, 10 children
Joseph (1813-1878 (1) Mathilde Beaudet, 1 child
(2) Adelaide Lemay, 11 children
Marceline (1815-1872) Francois-Xavier Bernard, 2 children
Antoine (1817-1819) born and died in Lotbiniere
Sophie (1816-1889) Joseph Lauze, 3 children
Rosalie (1817-1892) Joseph Beaudet, 13 children
Émilie (1820-1896) Dominique Leclerc, 2 children
Cléophas (1822-1881) Tharsile Blanchet, 9 children
Adelaïde (1824-1891) Gilbert Lemay, 1 child
Damase (1828-1900) Marie-Camille Auger, 8 children
Pétronille (1831-1831) born and died in Lotbiniere
(1) B. 1783 Roireau dit Laliberté, Qc, Cda, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Coll.), 1621-1968 Lot. 1781-1785 Image 2
(2) M. 1807 Roiroux R, Qc, Cda, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Coll.), 1621-1968 Lotbinière Image 2
(3) D. 1864 Laliberte R. Qc, Cda, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1968 Ste Ste-Emmélie Image 5
​Background: Birth Register